• Taśmy Stark
  • Taśmy pakowe
  • Taśmy pakowe z nadrukiem
  • Folie stretch
  • Etykiety samoprzylepne
Taśmy StarkFolie stretchTaśmy pakoweEtykiety samoprzylepneTaśmy pakowe z nadrukiem

Sheet labels

Standard A4 and A5 labels, used when industrial productivity is not required. Ideal for printing equipment (laser, ink and needle printers as well as copying machines). Used for marking wares, labelling bottles, addressing envelopes and advertising. Very clear print.

Available in a variety of sizes to fulfil individual requirements. Matt paper with the highest quality of whiteness, grammage and glue.

SizeA4 sheet section
105×148 mm4
52,5×29,7 mm40
210×297 mm1
105×37 mm16
105×74 mm8
70×42,3 mm21
210×148 mm1
70×37 mm24
210×148 mm2
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